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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Healthcare debate lacks factual arguments against Obamacare

Michael Hiltzik had an excellent column in Sunday June 29th LA  Times Business section.

Healthcare debate lacks factual arguments against Obamacare - Los Angeles Times:

He points out how ridiculous it is that so many people seem to have a "knee jerk" negative reaction to the mention of Obamacare.  When people are asked for opinions about the various provisions of the act, they have positive responses, but when addressing the whole affordable care act they are negative.  From the statistics so far, it appears that the act has been successful.  We now have many of the people who previously were "freeloaders" now signed up and paying, at least a little bit, towards their own health care insurance.

It appears that Fox News and the other Rupert Murdoch publications as well as Conservative talk radio has been able to brainwash people into not looking at the facts in the situation.  That same group still believes in the "death panel" rumors that the right-wingers started years ago --even though there is no truth to them.

The problem with communicating the success of the program to the public is that the statistics are difficult to assemble, complicated to understand and require some serious thought.  It doesn't fit into the "sound bite" way that most Americans seem to absorb their news.

Thank you Michael Hiltzik for pointing out this problem!

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