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Friday, November 4, 2011

More Visitors Leave U.S. Off Travel Itinerary -

The US is losing a lot of tourist business due to the lengthy waits to get visas. See this WSJ article

More Visitors Leave U.S. Off Travel Itinerary -

Our whole process of arrival at airports is also somewhat demeaning to both residents and visitors, which I think also discourages visitors.

Yeah we need jobs in the US. Jobs in the hospitality industry are good ones because they hire the lower skilled citizens and give them a way to work up to better paying positions. They also bring in foreign currency to help our balance of payments.
However our paranoia over immigration and terrorists have (rightly so) made it difficult for people to come to the US.
China now holds much of our money and has an immense population--if even a small percentage of them visited the US we'd be doing great!

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