Executive Order 11905 signed in February 1976 by Gerald Ford banned the US from assassinating foreign leaders. EO12036 signed by Carter in January 1978 and EO12333 signed by Regan in 1981 reinforced that position. Russian History shows a tradition of the assassination of their own leaders and those abroad. Vladimir Putin has ordered hundreds of assassinations of political enemies. Yet even now as he threatens Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his family, Putin can feel safe knowing that the US would never try to do the same to him. I believe Joe Biden should amend the existing EO12333 to make an exception: If Putin assassinated Zelenskyy or his family, he will be considered to be "fair game" from the US for the rest of his life.
Yesterday, Putin declared that the Western-imposed sanctions are a "declaration of war." He used a similar argument against the US declaring Ukraine a "no-fly zone" If Putin already considers war declared by the West (as opposed to his undeclared war on Ukraine) then what is stopping us from going ahead with a no-fly zone? Putin's long caravan of tanks on highways should be an easy target. NATO should also consider a blockade of all vessels going to or from Russia or Ukraine from traveling from the Black Sea through the Bosphorus Straits to the Mediterranean.
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