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Thursday, July 17, 2014

If the FCC is going to kill net neutrality, it'll have to get through you and me first | Dan Gillmor | Comment is free |

Dan Gillmore of "The Guardian" posted a good article today.

If the FCC is going to kill net neutrality, it'll have to get through you and me first | Dan Gillmor || 

There appears to be a LOT of opposition to the Cable Company proposal to have "fast lanes" for some internet providers.  However the FCC has a bias toward industry.

Dan point out that we all need to question our representatives to make sure we know where they stand on this very important issue.

The problem with "fast lanes" --is that everyone else goes into the "slow lane"

I would agree to a concept of fast vs slow lanes as long as the internet providers were required to divest from all other businesses, and make all arrangements for fast lanes be public -- sort of like a public utility.  There was an error made in the past that excludes internet from being considered a utility.  It isn't clear why internet wouldn't be a utility, when phone is a utility.  Most people are getting away from wired phones, so the phone "utility" is dying at the same time that internet usage continues to grow.

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