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Friday, April 18, 2014

Should you control your own car's data? |

It is interesting that now there will be another large database collected by car companies, that will be almost as interesting as the highway intersection camera data, security camera data, internet data, telephone data etc, and also as much of an invasion of our privacy.

This article by Johnathan Horn in today's Union Tribune describes a bill in the California State Senate to force auto companies to share the data they collect with car owners and car repair shops.  The bill was introduced by Sen Bill Monning, a Democrat from Marin County.

Should you control your own car's data? |  The issue is extremely interesting because it involves so many aspects of law, privacy, security, and engineering.  Also it is interesting to see the crazy mix of groups in the coalitions for, and against the bill.  The AAA is in favor of it, but the NAACP is against it, along with the car companies.

This bill in the State legislature could set some precedents for other states.  Eventually it probably will need to be addressed by Federal legislation

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