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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Guest worker idea stuck in web of politics -

Steve Lopez today wrote a good column that describes our terrible immigration program and how it now is impacting the agriculture industry.  Guest worker idea stuck in web of politics -

The farmers need workers badly and are willing to pay reasonable wages.  However they cannot get the labor they need.  At the same time, we have so very many Americans out of work, who could do some of that work, but don't want to.  If the farmers don't get the workers they need, farm prices will eventually go up, because US farmers will go out of business and the produce will be imported.  That, in turn, will reduce the value of farmer's land, reduce US exports, increase US imports, and reduce income and property tax collection by governments.

At the same time, we bring in IT, computer, and engineers to work in our industries for a couple of years and then send them home to compete with the US companies.  The right wingers who allow these immigrants under H1-B Visas are taking jobs away from US Citizens who are trained in these fields and drive down the salaries that they could earn.  That, in turn, discourages students from studying to be in these technical fields etc...a spiral downwards for the US.

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