There was a column in today's San Diego Union Tribune, by Noah Feldman (see this link) that was originally published by Bloomberg. Feldman's main point was that he was glad that Pollard was being released, because it was somewhat embarrassing for American Jews, who support Israel when Israel's government continually tries to get Pollard released. Feldman hopes that after Pollard is released the embarrassing complaints from Israel will stop. I hope that Israel, however won't stop "being embarrassed" by the fact that they were caught "red handed" spying on the US. It is one thing to spy on the US, but I think it is much worse to think that Israel then sold the US secrets to Russia. Do they really need more money when the US has continued to send money to Israel every year?
For some reason, Israel is often cited as a "US Ally." I don't believe that is exactly true. Alliances are supposed to work both ways: We help you; You help us. Israel has not provided significant material support in any of the US military initiatives. Did they have any military in Vietnam fighting alongside US troops? Did they help us significantly in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Bosnia? It seems like a "one way" friendship: We send Israel money, they steal our industrial secrets, spy on our Government, sink our ships, flaunt our requests for them to stop building settlements, etc. One of the most "evil" of Israel's aggression was when they sunk the USS Liberty, and tried to kill all of the US survivors in lifeboats. (see this link). As far as I know, Israel has NEVER apologized for attacking a US ship, and has claimed they thought the ship might have been Egyptian. Even if it was an Egyptian ship, would any nation ever attack survivors in a lifeboat? That appears to be standard Israel policy -- take no prisoners! Kill first, ask questions later! For the past decade or longer, Israel has had blockades against any aid getting to the residents of the Gaza strip, and has attacked or blockaded ships, aircraft and trucks attempting to take aid to them. Many more lives of dedicated NGO volunteers have been destroyed by their aggression. I suppose Israel-supporting American Jews aren't embarrassed by that?
For some reason, Israel is often cited as a "US Ally." I don't believe that is exactly true. Alliances are supposed to work both ways: We help you; You help us. Israel has not provided significant material support in any of the US military initiatives. Did they have any military in Vietnam fighting alongside US troops? Did they help us significantly in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Bosnia? It seems like a "one way" friendship: We send Israel money, they steal our industrial secrets, spy on our Government, sink our ships, flaunt our requests for them to stop building settlements, etc. One of the most "evil" of Israel's aggression was when they sunk the USS Liberty, and tried to kill all of the US survivors in lifeboats. (see this link). As far as I know, Israel has NEVER apologized for attacking a US ship, and has claimed they thought the ship might have been Egyptian. Even if it was an Egyptian ship, would any nation ever attack survivors in a lifeboat? That appears to be standard Israel policy -- take no prisoners! Kill first, ask questions later! For the past decade or longer, Israel has had blockades against any aid getting to the residents of the Gaza strip, and has attacked or blockaded ships, aircraft and trucks attempting to take aid to them. Many more lives of dedicated NGO volunteers have been destroyed by their aggression. I suppose Israel-supporting American Jews aren't embarrassed by that?