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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Is compassionate conservatism dead? | Statesman Journal |

This article in USA today said that compassionate conservitism appears to be dead in the Republican Party. I'm not sure it was ever alive--it may have been on "life support."

Is compassionate conservatism dead? | Statesman Journal |

It is hard for me to imagine how anyone who calls themselves a Christian could ever consider being a member of the Republican Party. The essence of Christianity is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"..and the party philosophy appears to be only "me first."

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Koch Brothers Flout Law Getting Richer With Secret Iran Sales - Bloomberg

The Koch Brothers are the "secret leaders" of the Tea Party movement. The initiative wouldn't have gotten off the ground without the huge financial backing of these guys. They trained the party organizers and leaders, funded the venues used for gatherings and funded the campaigns of the congressmen who claim Tea Party allegiance. This article is very revealing!

Koch Brothers Flout Law Getting Richer With Secret Iran Sales - Bloomberg:

I totally disagree with most of the things they supposedly stand for. However they certainly have a right to spend their money and use their "free speech" to say what they want. The part I don't like about them is that they so flagrantly violate the laws, and keep all of their efforts so secret.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Apple, America and a Squeezed Middle Class -

Labor seemed to have asked for too much, company management seemed to ask for too much, and nobody seemed to be "hungry" to please a customer. So the US lost some of the basic industry. After we lose so much industry, nobody knows how to do it anymore -- we reached the "tipping point". The US is no longer 'on top'....
Apple, America and a Squeezed Middle Class -

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The US House and Senate are considering bills called the Stop On-Line Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA).  The bills are "bought and paid for" by the movie and recording industry.  It is not necessarily sponsored by the artists.   The recording and movie industry do not need any additional protection by the US Government.  In fact, I believe we need to change the Digital Millennium copyright act to reduce the amount of time that industry is protected under copyright.  The Movie industry claims to be losing billions of dollars in revenue due to piracy.  However it is very difficult to measure revenue that might have been made.  It is also difficult to explain when the industry has continued to increase US box office revenue, even while the country is in difficult economic times. In addition to US box office revenue, the movie industry has greatly increased it's DVD sales, and foreign box office sales. In 2010 MPAA reported sales of 31.8 Billion Dollars, and increase of 8% over 2009.  We expect 2011 to also have an increase.  Industry executives and movie star salaries have continued to skyrocket, while most other US industries are hurting and millions are out of work.  In the music industry, the situation is similar.  "Physical" music sales have fallen off (CDs), however digital sales have increased to almost make up for the fall off in physical music sales.  Part of the fall of in music sales is due to the change in media -- who buys CDs anymore?  Another part of the fall of in sales is due to demographics.  The "baby boom" generation is entering retirement, so are buying less music.  Also, the types of music has dramatically changed.  Nonetheless, sales are up, profits are up, artists are making more money than ever and the music industry executives are paying themselves even more.

This industry agreed to consent decree that they had cheated consumers in the 1990s by price fixing.  As a result, everyone who had bought a record received a "credit" as part of the agreement.  It appears that they continue to do it.  They they agreed that they had cheated their distributors, and had to pay them.  Then they agreed that they had cheated the artists, and had to pay the artists.  As a reward, for their good behavior, we gave them the DMCA which, in effect gave them billions of dollars in copyright extensions as well as enforcement.   Did Disney really need to protect those early black and white cartoons that were about to belong to the public?  Well they got it anyway! Now they want more?  Rupert Murdoch and his News Corp clearly supports the two bills. His publications have continually published articles and editorials in favor of them.   Of course Murdoch and his company has also admitted to illegal wiretapping to listen in to private conversations to help them publish scandalous stories all around the world.
The industry claims that they are losing money to piracy, however their sales continues to rise, and the salaries of the executives and the artists seems to rise beyond anyone's dreams!  How can they possibly complain?
The problem is that by having the US Government grant them the right to block web sites, we will end up with a more powerful form of censorship than China has!  It will also create a form of citizen spying that will be beyond the dreams of George Orwell's 1984 Big Brother!  They say it is only to protect us from "foreign" web sites --but the DNS blocking will block all sites.
One of the problems with expanding these federal laws is that we already have too many laws where the average citizen can find themselves in trouble without understanding the complexity of the law.  See my blogs on "State of Justice in America" -- Which, it appears that Rupert Murdoch and his Wall Street Journal also have concerns about.  In addition, it is clear that when new laws are written, prosecutors use them as tools to help them prosecute other crimes.  So someone could be held in jail for an illegal downloading crime because the police is suspicious that the person may have committed another crime.  This slippery slope has allowed police and prosecutors to lock innocent people up for years without proper justice.  This is not the American way!

I have written to Daryl Issa our Congressional Represntative as well as Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, our Calironia Senators to ask them to not support either of these bills.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Is Rick Perry as Christian as He Thinks He Is?

This is a good editorial --
Is Rick Perry as Christian as He Thinks He Is? - Kathleen Kennedy Townsend - Politics - The Atlantic

It is hard for me to understand how so many different religions and individuals can interpret the Bible --particularly the New Testament so differently.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bankers' opposition to Volcker rule is no surprise -

Michael Hiltzik hit the nail on the head with his critique of the banking industry's opposition to the "Volker Rule" to reform the banking industry. Banks want a "heads they win, tails the taxpayer loses" deal --so that when they make money, they keep it, but if they lose money, the taxpayer bails them out--but with no restrictions on how they wheel & deal on high risk investments -- like derivatives.

Bankers' opposition to Volcker rule is no surprise -