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Monday, August 22, 2011

Jon Huntsman: Does a "center right" presidential candidate have a prayer? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Jon Huntsman appears to me as holding to the "true" Republican positions -- except his position on abortion. The traditional Republican Party position, in general, is to allow people as many freedoms as possible, promote free markets, and maintain a strong military to protect our country from foreigners. The far-right-wingers sort of hijacked the party at the beginning of Reagan's second term.

Jon Huntsman: Does a "center right" presidential candidate have a prayer? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

I would think Jon Huntsman would have a good chance at unseating Obama, since he would be able to attract a lot of the moderate voters.

It still amazes me that so very many Republicans honestly do not believe in the "theory" of evolution or that the earth is warming up!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Iowa Straw Poll: A carnival that kills campaigns - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

It appears to me that all of the Republican candidates are trying to be further right than the others.
Iowa Straw Poll: A carnival that kills campaigns - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
I think that all of the Republican candidates this year are each trying to appeal to the so-called Christians who believe in these precepts:
1. Believe strongly that torture, the death penalty, destroying our environment and carrying guns is the Christian thing to do.
2. Put blacks, Latinos and gays "in their place," and do not help the poor, disabled, elderly, or disadvantaged children.
3. Eliminate abortion and birth control because their bizarre religion thinks that releasing God's souls into the world, and that God will solve overpopulation for us.

Somehow, I think that there is a very small group within the US that agrees with all of the above. If the Republican party really wants to select a good candidate, they should look for a moderate that doesn't espouse most of those opinions and alienate so much of the general US public. Then they willhave a chance at getting a good percentage of the moderate Republicans who do not believe all of those precepts.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dear Congressional delegation: Make us proud, not ashamed

Dear Congressional delegation: Make us proud, not ashamed

I agree with Logan, it would be nice if our San Diego delegation would work together. It would be even better if our California congressmen would work together. If they would vote as a "block" on some of the important issues, it could help to resolve a lot of the state's problems. Quite often they seem to vote along party lines, instead of what is best for California.

One example was prior to the 2000 census, the Republicans pushed through restrictions on census counting methods that forced the use of mathematically incorrect statistics in order to reduce the population count in cities. As a result, California's population was under-counted, and the state lost millions in federal revenue each year through the whole decade. Had the Republicans in CA voted against it, the proposal would have died --but they were concerned that it would put the party at a disadvantage if more people were counted in cities than rural areas.

War Causes Inflation ...

War Causes Inflation ...

Throughout history after every war there has been inflation. In ancient Rome, the Caesars would dilute the gold coins with base metals to inflate the currency. In the US it has happened after every war. Sometimes the effect has been delayed by prudent economics -- such as the EE bonds during WWII. However the inflation eventually came, it just took a little longer.

I think we're in for a huge round of inflation as the US economy picks up again as a result of the immense Bush deficit spending to pay for two unnecessary extremely long wars.

Monday, August 8, 2011

S&P Seen Surrendering to Tea Party - Bloomberg

I was suspicious that the S&P ratings downgrade was a political statement--I think this article provides evidence of that. Thanks Sean!

S&P Seen Surrendering to Tea Party - Bloomberg