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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Israel Gaza Blockade

This is interesting.  Apparently there is going to be another attempt to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza.,0,3515948.story

It should put Israel in a difficult position of denying aid to people who have been "locked away" for an extended period.  If Israel fires upon this ship, it would seem to be an act of war --after all it is freedom of the seas.  I would like to see US warships support this attempt.  After all, Israel is the ONLY middle east country who has attacked the US, and it is the only middle east country which routinely spies on the US -- we've caught many spies and have deported them over the years.  Why should we help them?  They've got nuclear weapons and would like to use them against their virtually unarmed neighbors.

U.S. budget deficit: Borrowing and spending the GOP way -

I agree with this article and It is certainly believable, since it was written by Mike Lofgren who was a Republican Congressional Staffer.

U.S. budget deficit: Borrowing and spending the GOP way -

The only time that Republicans seem to get excited about balancing the budget is when the other party is in office. Bush cut taxes and started unnecessary wars to help keep the economy from tanking. Now the Republicans don't want any economic stimulation (deficit spending) because they don't want the economy to recover prior to the 2012 elections.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Autopsies on the decline -

Autopsies have been on the decline for decades. See this article:

Healthcare: Autopsies on the decline -

I think it is a mistake. I think there should be an independent organization with a separate budget to perform autopsies for medical quality control.

The percentage of deaths that get autopsies does not need to be very high -- possibly 1 or 2%. However they need to be done against standards. The data collected needs to go into a database, and there should be enough randomness in the sampling technique to insure that deaths all over the country are subject to autopsies.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Battle Over Power of Attorney -

Interesting discussion about power of attorney in the Wall Street Journal. It sounds like what ever you do to try to do good estate planning could result in making the attorney's rich -- particularly if the family feels like they are being treated unfairly.
The Battle Over Power of Attorney -